Sleep-out so that others don’t have to

Sleep-out so that others dont have to

A couple of pictures from years gone by of the annual Burton ymca sleepout, which I’ve taken part in for the last 8 years. I’ve slept on the concourse at the Pirelli Stadium in a cardboard box, in a tent, and even in a local graveyard ! Many of the readers of this blog have generously supported me in prayer and by giving donations to the fantastic work of the ymca.

I have really appreciated this event and it has been one ofthe highlights of my Ministry in Burton. this year I’ve been unable to take part due to my operation last Monday to have my gall bladder removed, so tonight Alison has taken me down to the Pirelli so that I could wish them well, without getting in the road. I gave my donation to Dawn Charles and her son, Isaac, will be sleeping out. Dawn, the Joint Pastor of the Community Church in Burton, is a very special lady and friend and I’m grateful that she (& also Rotarian friends Peter and Helen Barnett, are sharing in this work.

I will spend tonight in a comfortable, warm bed, knowing that my friends will be in the night air cold; I’ll spend tonight giving thanks for the work of the YMCA in Burton, remembering my time at the Whitechapel Mission in London amongst the homeless, and praying for an end to this evil.

Jesus said ”You will always have poor with you” (Matthew 26:11 or Mark 14:7 or John 12:8) but he didnt ask us to accept the situation but because of the compassion he showed himself, he asks us to do all we can for others, especially the poor and the needy.

I hope that you will do all you can to help those around us in their day to day lives


Be a light into someone elses life.