Maple Leaf House

Please pray for the staff and residents of Maple Leaf House, a Methodist Home for the Aged home in Ripley. At the moment they have undergone some bereavements as some residents have passed away. This is distressing for the staff and potentially confusing for the other residents, simply because all who work or live at Maple Leaf House are part of a wonderfully supportive family.

 Please hold them in prayer. 

Priesthood of all Believers ?

Been a quiet month this month, for the blog. This is partly down to the fact that I’m in the middle of Church Council season. Every Church in my pastoral charge needs to hold a Spring meeting, chaired by yours truly. Its a very tiring time, and stressful.

However, I’ve held three good ones this week, where everything seems to be positive. Even tonight’s meeting, which I though might have been contentious, turned out to be very encouraging, and held in a good spirit.

Right at the end I was given a quotation which is challenging. The Methodist Church proclaims proudly its belief in the Priesthood of All Believers. In other words, the belief that we are all equal and all called to Minister to each other. However a leaflet taken from a Church in New Zealand lists its staff and under the title “Ministers” it simply reads, All the members of Gods family ! What a powerful statement. Everybody who is a Christian can bear the title Minister. I think that reminds us all of the great calling which can be found in Matthews Gospel to go out and make disciples of all the nations.

As an Ordained Minister that blows my mind, as I think it is wonderful to be called into this journey alongside so many people, and to think that we are all called to support each other.

Wow !!