
Well, after all these years I have finally been digitalised ! I now have what feels like a Dolby surround system in my ears.

Yes, I have been given two brand, spanking new digital hearing aids and they are wonderful. I’m still adjusting to the new noises and sounds; I’m still having to cope with what feels like an increased volume, but I am really enjoying the comfort of sound.

To all those people (and they know who they are) who have lovingly nagged me towards this I owe a big apology for not doing it until now, and an even bigger thank-you for pushing me in this direction. Watch out, I can now hear what you are saying about me.

In addition, and especially some of our American friends, I want you all to understand that these wonderful devices are free courtesy of our National Health System. The NHS comes in (sometimes justifiably) for stick but in the main it is staffed by caring, dedicated people and it is a system that we as a country ought to be proud of. I don’t know of any other country which willingly spends much of its budget on caring so that the ordinary man or woman can make the most of their lives; where medical needs are met without fear of bankruptcy etc.

Thank you NHS

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